
At the Neuro-Biomorphic Engineering Lab (NBEL) @ The Open University of Israel, we are innovating at the intersections of disciplines. We aim to develop the next generation of nature-inspired computing architectures while utilizing trans-disciplinary engineering to uncover complex biological behavior.   

Prof. Elishai Ezra Tsur [profile], Principal Investigator

Recent News

NBEL’s PI, Prof. Elishai Ezra Tsur, appointed Dean of Academic Studies at the Open University of Israel!


NBEL was awarded a generous 3-year grant from Israel’s Innovation Authority to develop the entire software ecosystem for the new Neuromorphic Hardware to be developed by prominent Israeli companies. This grant will involve the collaboration of industries and academia in Israel, aspiring to establish an Israeli Neuromorphic hardware-software ecosystem!


NBEL’s graduate student Yahia Showgan will present our latest work on using neural networks to reconstruct vibrant images from retinal inputs during active saccadic vision, at the CogSci 2024.


NBEL’s graduate student Raz Ramon will present our latest work on object tracking within event streams using unsupervised learning at the CVPR workshop for Embedded Vision! The work is now open-sourced at the CVPR repository.


A new publication by Raz Halaly, a graduate student in the lab for Computer Science, now appearing in Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering!
In this work, we propose a neuromorphic implementation of Model Predictive Control (MPC) which significantly reduces dynamic error and augments control accuracy in autonomous systems. We evaluated our framework with models of various vehicles (from a Tesla Model 3 to an Ambulance) experiencing malfunctioning and swift steering scenarios.


Check out a recent review by Prof. Elishai Ezra Tsur and Dr. Odelia Elkana on intelligent robotics in pediatric cooperative neurorehabilitation, now appearing in Robotics.

The review discusses the potential of AI-driven robotic systems to allow adaptation to individual patient needs, and foster patient-centric care.


A new publication by Dr. Hadar Cohen Duwek - NBEL's lab manager - now appearing in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. In this work, we designed a biologically inspired color fusion system for reconstructing color intensity maps from event data and sparse color cues. Our design provides a high-performing small model for efficient colorful image reconstruction.


21-1-24: Exciting announcement!
Prof. Elishai Ezra Tsur is now heading the new M.Sc in Machine Learning and Big Data at the Open University of Israel!
Read more about the program.

Congratulations to Pavel Kaganovich for having his thesis work on textual style transfer in modern Hebrew accepted to two premier conferences: Computational Humanity Research 2023 (Paris, France) and IEEE Bigdata 2023 (Sorrento, Italy)! Check out our video primer.


Congratulations to Raz Ramon and Hadar Cohen Duwek for receiving the BEST PAPER AWARD at the IEEE Conference for Cognitive Computing (ICCI**CC), recently held at Stanford University!


Can neuromorphic spiking neural networks control an autonomous vehicle driving in a realistic race course? We put it to the test! Check out NBEL’s graduate student Raz Halaly recent publication, now appearing in the Frontiers of Neurorobotics.


NBEL’s graduate student Raz Ramon will present our latest work on object tracking within event streams using unsupervised discriminative correlation event filters at the IEEE's 22nd International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing at Stanford University. Check out our video primer.


18.6.23: Congratulations!
NBEL’s PI, Dr. Elishai Ezra Tsur, has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Open University of Israel!

We will present our latest work at the main event of the Cognitive Science Society: CogSci 2023, in Australia, discussing the reconstruction of colorful images from realistic retinal inputs. Check out our video primer.

This work was led by NBEL's lab manager, Dr. Hadar Cohen Duwek, and NBEL’s graduate student Yahia Showgan.


NBEL’s graduate student Avinoam Bitton will present our latest work on adaptive attention with a neuromorphic hybrid frame and event-based Camera at the IEEE's 21st International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing. Check out our video primer.


A new publication by Dr. Hadar Cohen Duwek - NBEL's lab manager - now appearing in PLOS Computational Biology. In this work, we present a novel, biologically plausible spiking neural network, for the reconstruction of colorful images from retinal inputs. This work was carried out with the collaboration of Hamutal Slovin, from Bar-Ilan University.


A new publication by NBEL’s graduate students Michael Ehrlich and Yuval Zaidel with our partners in ALYN Hospital and Accenture Labs, now appearing in the Frontiers of Neuroscience, demonstrates neuromorphic adaptive control of a wheelchair-mounted robotic arm. Check out our video demonstration.


NBEL’s Post-graduate student Avi Hazan will present our latest work at The 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2022), on our analog circuit design for reservoir computing. Check out our video primer.


NBEL’s PostDoc Dr. Hadar Cohen Duwek will present our latest work at The 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP), in Bordeaux, France, on using a spiking neural network to model illusionary visual perception. Check out our video primer.


A new publication by NBEL’s graduate student: Avi Hazan, now appearing in Applied Sciences!


Our work: “Data-driven artificial and spiking neural networks for inverse kinematics in neurorobotics”, is now on the cover of patterns!


A new People of Data interview, with NBEL’s principal investigator, Dr. Elishai Ezra Tsur, the Co-founder of Applied Brain Research, Dr. Travis DeWolf, and Accenture Lab’s principal scientist Dr. Lazar Supic is now in Patterns.


A new publication at PLOS Computational Biology, summarizing three years of research in collaboration with Dr. Oren Amsalem and Prof. Idan Segev from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Dr. Lea Ankri, Pritish Patil, and Dr. Michal Rivlin from The Weizmann Institute of Science.

In this work, we harnessed RSME - a retinal modeling environment we developed - and the incredible computing capacity of ETH domain of the Blue Brain Project to simulate thousands of retinal neuronal configurations, deciphering one of the most fundamental yet elusive visual processing in the retina: directional selectivity.


A new publication at Patterns (Cell Press) by NBEL’s graduate students: Yuval Zaidel, Albert Shalumov, and Alex Volinski, in collaboration with Dr. Lazar Supic from Accenture Labs, and Dr. Travis DeWolf from Applied Brain Research. Accenture labs and Intel Labs supported this research as part of Intel’s Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC).


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A new publication by NBEL’s graduate students: Albert Shalumov and Raz Halaly, now appearing in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics!


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THREE manuscripts by NBEL’s students: Hadar Cohen Duwek, Avi Hazan, Avinoam Bitton, and Michael Ehrlich, were accepted to the upcoming IEEE's Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS2021)!


A new publication by NBEL’s PostDoc Hadar Cohen Duwek at CogSci 2021: the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. This work was supported by the Israel Innovation Authority.


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A new book with CRC press on Neuromorphic Engineering is COMING SOON!


A new publication by NBEL’s PostDoc Hadar Cohen Duwek and NBEL’s graduate student Albert Shalumov at the CVPR 2021 Workshop on Event-based Vision. This work was supported by the Israel Innovation Authority.


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Filming our presentations for the upcoming CVPR and CogSci 2021 conferences, with NBEL's ROCK star PostDoc Hadar Cohen Duwek, at the AMAZING video production facilities of The Open University of Israel


Our work: “Neuromorphic-powered robotic arm“ was selected to feature in the World Changing Ideas Awards’ HONORABLE MENTIONS list by Fast Company

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A new publication by NBEL’s graduate student Avi Hazan at the Frontiers in Neuroscience. This work was supported by the Israel Innovation Authority.


A new publication by NBEL’s graduate students: Yuval Zaidel, Albert Shalumov, and Alex Volinski, in collaboration with Dr. Lazar Supic from Accenture Labs, at the Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Intel Labs supported this research as part of Intel’s Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC).


NBEL Was awarded NIS 1,000,000 from the Israel Innovation Autority to develop next generation neuromorphic adaptive controller for wheelchair mounted robotic arm, in coloboration with Alyn Hospital!


NBEL collaborate with Accenture, ALYN hospital, Intel and ABR to develop neuromorphic-powered assistive robotic arms to help mobility impaired pediatric patients


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A review at the "Annual Review in Biomedical Engineering", describing the last 5 years of research in NBEL, among other impactful contributions, at the intersection of Microfluidics and Computer-Aided Design.


The Neuro and Biomorphic Engineering Lab (NBEL), under the leadership of Dr. Elishai Ezra Tsur, is now re-established at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Open University of Israel!


Our Research is Supported By:

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